Modify the Search Field Attribute in any Maximo application


All the Maximo Applications are created based on a maximo predefined object. In the top left corner, we have a search field which is used to find out individual records for example Workorders using Wonum, Pm records using PMNUMs and also different versions , for example all revisions of a Jobplan using JPNUM etc.


Sometimes, The End users need a more unique approach , for eg : WONUM is by default not unique and we can have different records in different sites but same WONUM as the uniqueness is WONUM+SITEID.

In this case if we need to allow the user to get the records based on unique Ids like WORKORDERID, ASSETUID etc. We need to replace the WONUM field in the Search Field with the WORKORDER ID


Follow the steps below for implementation:

1. Go to Application Designer,
2. Export the Application XML, In this case, WOTRACK
3. Take the Backup and save it in a reusable location.
4. Now Modify the XML to change the KEYATTRIBUTE field with the required search field, in our case, WORKORDERID.
5. Now save the XML and Import it back to MAXIMO.

<presentation keyattribute="workorderid" apphelp=",wotrack/c_wo_tracking_application.html" beanclass="psdi.webclient.beans.workorder.WorkorderAppBean" id="wotrack" mboname="WORKORDER" resultstableid="results_showlist" version="">


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